Only in America, and I mean only, in America, can 21 people be murdered and a week later be buried and forgotten, with a flimsy little thumbnail, a vague notion of some sort of gun control law laying on the senators' desks.

Only in America, and I mean only, in America, can 21 people be murdered and a week later be buried and forgotten, with a flimsy little thumbnail, a vague notion of some sort of gun control law laying on the senators' desks. What kind of people are we who claim that we care about pro-life? Just so you know, anyone that's reading this....politicians don't give a fuck about you, they don't give a fuck about me, and they don't give a fuck about our children. So, with that cheery thought in mind, have a happy summer, because it will be just a short time before it happens again. 

John Mellencamp