What The Fans Are Saying Part 2

Send Us YOUR Review of John's Summer Tour Dates
Mellencamp.com and ClubCherryBomb.net want Mellenhead concert reviews of John’s current tour. Chosen reviews will be published in blog format in the ClubCherryBomb.net JOURNAL section. Excerpts from the best reviews will be posted on a new feature entitled: “What the Fans are Saying” on Mellencamp.com. The best submission from each show will be sent a new exclusive promotional poster for John’s new album! Send your review(s)/blogs to help@mellencamp.com with the subject line of Fan Show Review.

Here is the second batch of fan reviews! These are just some of the best quotes, full reviews can be found on the Club Cherry Bomb website's JOURNAL section. The following Mellencamp fans will soon be receiving poster for the new album and some other goodies!

July 27 Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Denver, CO
The show was amazing! We were hit with rain before the show and off and on during Lucinda Williams’ set, but rewarded with a double rainbow over Red Rocks, an omen of the great evening that was to come. The song selection was great and the band was tight. We loved your new songs and had a blast singing along to the old favorites. A great set! Lisa D.

July 23 Riverbend Music Center - Cincinnati, OH
I attended the show at Riverbend Music Center on Wednesday, July 23. I thought the show was excellent. I liked the mix of music. I really like the new CD. I don’t think it is a dark as some of the reviews have suggested. I think it is only natural to question your own mortality as you age and that is exactly what John seems to be doing. I think he has done it with humor, thoughtfulness and a celebration of life. Jan B

July 22 Charter One Pavilion @ Northerly Island - Chicago, IL

I thought the concert was awesome. I loved the way John grouped the songs together. John mentioned that he sang some old songs, some new songs, talked a little about politics, and NOW it was time for some DANCING. John and the band REALLY rocked! This concert with the variety of music was ONE of the BEST! Kathy K.

July 18 DTE Energy Music Theatre - Clarkston, MI
Well to sum up my thoughts on the show, I felt like John was relating to every Mellenhead in the house. The words in his songs touched everybody’s lives at one time or another. Looking around, there was not one gloomy Gus in attendance, everyone was rockin out. Felicia

Click HERE to read our first set of reviews.