Willie Nelson and Farm Aid Asks YOU Take Action Now to Help America's Dairy Farmers

America's dairy farmers are rapidly disappearing, and Farm Aid needs your help to make sure they don't lose everything they've ever worked for. Sign Farm Aid's letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and urge him to take bold action to help save our dairy farmers. Please read the following letter from Farm Aid's President Willie Nelson:

With every passing day, the dairy crisis in the U.S. becomes more and more desperate. Dairy farmers across the country are losing their farms and their livelihoods.

If things don’t change -- and fast -- we may immediately lose up to 20,000 of our nation's dairy farmers. We cannot stand by and watch as family after family in every corner of the country loses their livelihood -– we have to work together to solve this crisis.

Take action now by contacting the one person who can bring immediate relief for dairy farmers: Send a message to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack urging him to raise the price of milk paid to farmers to cover the cost of production.

On average, our farmers are currently being paid less than half of what it costs to produce their milk -- and Secretary Vilsack is the only person with the legal authority to set a fair price.

Unless Secretary Vilsack takes immediate action, huge areas of the United States may be left without any local dairy farms at all.

Click here to urge Secretary Vilsack to take swift action to help dairy farmers today. Sign our letter and we’ll make sure Secretary Vilsack gets the message.
Thanks for taking action for dairy farmers -- your response today will make a big difference.